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The Science Behind Psychic Phenomena – TIME

Posted in astrology, clairvoyant, dream interpretation, empathic, general, new age, paranormal, paranormal research, psychic, psychic ability, psychic reader, psychic readers, psychic readings, society, spirituality, tarot, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 28, 2012 by Lady Annmarie

You write that it’s likely everybody possesses psychic abilities, but some people are simply more successful at it? Why is that?

Genetics are likely behind it. One of the things we know is that it runs in families. If you talk to psychics, they’ll tell you there’s a family history of it. Though we haven’t found it, there’s likely a gene for it. There are also cases where people haven’t had any psychic abilities until they’ve suffered head traumas. What’s common is that these people who’ve had this head trauma, the structure and function of their brain has been changed. They’re often not able to function very well in the real world because they don’t know how to use the analytical side of their brain. Similarly, people with synesthesia [a condition in which the senses are connected, i.e. the sound of an orchestra will cause flashes of color or the taste of chicken] have less activity in their cortex. People with autism also have a higher probability of psychic abilities.

How do quantum physics and Albert Einstein’s theories relate to precognition?

If you stop thinking of time the way those in the Newtonian age thought of time as an arrow, and you start thinking of time as the way that Einstein thought of it as a space-time continuum, the future already exists. Just like the entire globe of the earth is all there even though I’m not currently seeing it all here in Southern Oregon. Our brain only allows us to experience time as a series of recurrent moments. What Einstein’s saying is that when we’re talking about time we’re really talking about a psychological construct. Time is like any other dimension in that it isn’t limited. Like space, we have up and down, east and west, they go bidirectionally. Why would time be something different than that? If we didn’t have the constraints of our brain and our psychology that limit our experiences, we would be able to see that.

via The Science Behind Psychic Phenomena – TIME.